• The nature of living for termites, as the colony of termites lives a secret social life within divided colonies of up to several thousand or millions of members.
• The colony consists of 1- the king, 2- the queen, 3- the workers, 4- the soldiers, 5- the winged individuals

How to distinguish between termites and regular ants:

To differentiate between termites and regular ants, the following must be noted:

-1 antennas. 2- The waist. 3- The length of the wings. 4- Abdominal shape.

What are the effects left by termites on my house?

Termites are considered one of the most dangerous insects in terms of their destructive effect, as they attack wooden doors, furniture, kitchens, and any materials made of cellulose, as they destroy all the contents of the house.

The estimate of building damage caused by termites exceeds that caused by fires, earthquakes, volcanoes and weather.
method nutrition of Termites

• Termites feed on cellulose, which is found in many daily human uses (clothes – paper – carpets – rugs – mats – curtains – pillows and mattresses – wooden furniture).

Don’t let termites enter your home


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